Sunday, 3 February 2013

MDS NEET 2013 Recall Questions- SET II

Hello friends!
Here I am again with the next set of questions from NEET 2013..With the results just around the corner(hopefully!),the level of anticipation must be increasing day by day...

Did a lot of questions make you go like this?
Go ahead and see which all you got correct and which ones you missed...

Hope you guys are benefitting from it!

51. Condition that causes colonic cancer:
a. Ulcerative colitis@@@
b. Crohn's disease

52. Which of the following is least sensitive to pain?
a. Buccal mucosa
b. Gingiva@@@
c. Lingual mucosa
d. floor of the mouth

53. Which of the following is not a mediator of inflammation?
a. Interferon
b. TNF
c. Myeloperoxidase@@@

54. Which is true for denture resin?
a. 1% water sorption by weight@@@
b. 2.3% expansion in 1 year
c. 10% water sorption by weight
d. 2.3% expansion by weight

55. In order to complete a cutting circle of the canal wall, the triangular shaft instrument requires
a. One-fourth turn
b. One-third turn @@@
c. One half turn 
d. One full turn

56. Which of the following is NOT done in class V cavity preparation on mandibular canine on the buccal surface for light cure composite.
a. pulp capping
b. bevelling at cavosurface@@@
c. acid etching 
d. removal of soft dentine

57. which would not be given to a patient with hemoglobin 6 gm%
a. whole blood@@@
b. fresh frozen plasma
c. unmatched donor platelets
d. packed red cells

58. intravascular injection of local anasthetic WITH adrenaline causes
a. hypotension and bradycardia@@@(no reference)
b. hypertension and tachycardia
c. hypotension and tachycardia 
d. hypertension and bradycardia

59. The significance of free eugenol in root canal sealer cements is an increase in
a. Dimensional stability
b. Setting time
c. Cytotoxicity @@@
d. Strength

60.A ligamental injection of 2% lidocaine with 1:10,000 epinephrine will cause pulp circulation to
a. Cease for about 30 mins @@@
b. Remain the same
c. Increase markedly 
d. Decrease slightly

61.what is the effect of in-office bleaching on light cure material
a. markedly softening of light cure material@@@
b. slight chemical softening
c. no effect at all

62.fibreoptic intubation is NOT indicated in
a. previous h/o difficult intubation
b. previous h/o easy intubation@@@
c. congenital diseases 
d. anticipated problems

63. treatment of choice for hodkins disease..
a. immunotherapy
b. anticancer chemotherapy@@@
c. radiotherapy 
d. surgery+immunotherapy

64.The popular use of Hedstrom file is
a. To flare the canal from the apical region to the orifice @@@
b. To establish a circular canal in apical 3rd
c. To prepare the canal for a post restoration 
d. For rotary cutting of the canal wall

65. which of the following blood can d dontatd to AB -ve pt?
a. O-ve@@@
b. B+ve
c. AB +ve

66.HbA1C test is for...??
a. Screening of diabetes in symptomatic patients
b. Monitoring of diabetes control@@@
c. Screening of patients in asymptomatic patients

67.Which of the following is true about heparin?
a) It is a mixture of sulfated polypeptides
b) Plasma half-life is 90 minutes@@@
c) It causes idiopathic thrombocytosis 
d) It decreases action of antithrombin III

68. Which is correct?
a. both incidence and prevalence are rate
b. both are ratio 
c. incidence is a rate but prevalence is ratio@@@

69. safest way to dispose mercury  is

a. safe collection and re-use@@@

70. ingested flouride is excreted through 
a. kidney@@@
b. lungs 

71. Reed Sternberg Cells are seen in 
a. Hodgkin's Lymphoma@@@

72. Which factor is given in intracrebral haemorrhage?
a. Factor II
b. Factor VII@@@
c. Factor VIII

73.Cold bend test measures
a. compressive strength
b. tensile strength
c. ductility@@@
d. malleability

74. Most common tumor occuring at epiphysis of long bones
a. osteoclastoma@@@
b. osteogenic sarcoma
c. chondrosarcoma 
d. ewings sarcoma

75.maximum no. of bacteria are present on which surface of tooth:

76. Not a marker of new bone formation
a. Alkaline phosphate
b. Hydroxyproline@@@
c. Osteocalcin  
d. Procollagen pptide

77. Anaesthetic relatively contraindicated in dental  practice is

a. Savoflurane 
b. Desflurane 
c. Halothane@@@
d. Isoflurane

78. Vit A supplementation to school kids is an example of
a. Specific protection@@@
b. Primordial prevention
c. Health Promotion

79. Muscle weakness seen in all except
a. hyponatremia
b. hypokalemia
c. hypocalcemia@@@
d. hypophosphatasia

80. speed of films recommended in I/O radiography
a. D&E@@@

81. Test of significance to compare means when sample is small and units are independent is 
a. unpaired t test@@@

b. z test

82. Most resistant to antiseptics and sterilization 
a. prions@@@
b. spores
c. mycobacteria
83. Most common malignant tumor of parotid is
a. mucoepidemoid carinoma@@@
b. pleomorphic adenoma

84. Not an intrinsic muscle of eye 
a. Levator Palplebrae Superioris@@@
b. ciliary

85. Occulomotor nerve palsy has all the features except
a. Miosis@@@
b. Ptosis
c. Outward eye deviation
d. Diplopia 

86. Condition where chin is deficient, steep mandible angle, chin button less prominent what is the diagnosis? 
a.true micrognathia of mandible@@@
b.apparent micrognathia

87.Main advantage of ZnPO4 over GIC?
a. compressive strength@@@

88. Cause of GERD is
a.transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation@@@

89. Claw hand deformity is associated with
a. ulnar nerve @@@
b. radius nerve
c. median nerve

90. All of the following carry proprioception from head and neck except
a. Facial N  
b. Trigeminal N  
c. Glossopharyngeal N
d. Cranial accessory N @@@

91. The term used for the condition in which there is interference of oxygen in lungs is
a. anoxemia
b. cytotoxic anoxia
c. anoxic anoxia @@@
d. histotoxic anoxia

92. If there is co-relation between two variables,how can we measure the value of one
a. co-efficient of variance  @@@

b. chi-square test 
c. correlation coefficient  
d. regression coefficient 

93. Primary defect of bone in scurvy is due to-
a. decreased mineralization
b. decreased osteoid matrix formation@@@
c. increased bone resorption
d. decreased bone mass and normal mineralization

94. The shortest acting opiod is
a. morphine 
b. fentanyl 

95. Retraction of scapula is brought about by all except 
a. rhomboidios major 
b. rhomboidus minor 
c. trapezius
d. levator scapulae@@@

96. Anti-migraine drugs are all except
a. zisapride@@@
b. propranolol 

97. Treatment of gagging reflex is by: 
a. prescribe drugs 
b. psychiatric referral 
c. biological and mechanical factors correction
d. any or combination of above@@@

98. # in maxillary denture in midline is most commonly due to 
a. patient bites too hard 
b. too thin acrylic
c. resorbed alveolar ridges@@@

99. A patient having sickle cell trait has to undergo forearm surgery.Which block is contraindicated?
a. Intravenous@@@
b. Axillary 

100. Factor that is present in both serum and plasma is
a. Factor VII@@@
b. Factor V

So this makes it 50% of the NEET 2013 MDS Paper..Will post the next 50 questions soon...

For more questions you can click on the links below

Ques. No. 101-125 

Ques. No. 126-150

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Ciao ^_^