Tuesday, 12 February 2013

MDS NEET 2013 Recall Questions- SET III

Hello Friends!
I'm sorry to be MIA for a few days now.Not too well.
Did NEET questions give you a tough time?
Anyway, with the NEET Verdict Drama nearing it's end, anxiousness levels must have increased.
Here is the next batch of questions..Good Luck!

101.  Mandibular plane angle

102. Teeth joined only along the line of cementum?

103. Spores of which organism are used in autoclave to ensure complete sterilization
B. stearothermophilus

104. Which is used in pickling?
50% HCl

105. Ingested fluoride is excreted by

106. Blood supply during moderate excercise
Remains the same

107. Which of the following cannot be welded?
NiTi wire

108. In Down Syndrome all can be possible except?
Deletion of Chr 21

109. Composition of cold mold seal?
Na Alginate

110. All of the foll carry proprioception from the Head and Neck except
Cranial Accessory

111. Treatment for severe anaphylaxis?

112. Amoxicillin+Clavulanic acid is an example of
Synergism(and not cumulative action)

113. Which is not a ß-Lactamase?

114. Cross-resistance of INH is seen with?

115. Which of the following NSAIDs undergo enterohepatic cycling?

116. Not true about Penicillin G?
more concentrated in prostatic secretions and ocular fluid

117. Which is not present in nephrotic syndrome?

118. Amelogenesis imperfecta is due to defect in

119. Muscles of mastication are derived from
1st Branchial arch

120. Catalan's appliance is used for
Anterior cross bite correction

121. Fishman index is used to measure
Skeletal maturity

122. Not supplied by ant. divn of mandibular nerve
Medial pterygoid

123. The wire that can be bent max no of times before breaking?

124. Type I hypersensitivity reaction is associated with
Ig E

125. Not involved in tooth development?
Vit. E

For previous questions you can click on the links below

Ques. No. 51-100 

Ques. No. 126-150

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  1. Good collection..hopefully u will post the final set soon..waiting a long time for this!

  2. Thank you so much for the appreciation!
