Sunday, 3 March 2013

Manipal Entrance Recall Questions-I

Hello everyone!
These are some recall questions from Manipal MDS entrance 2013.
Will put up more soon depending on your response.
So leave in a comment if you want more questions from the Manipal Online test

1. The first evidence of calcification of 3rd molars
7-9 yrs

2. Keratohyaline granules are found in
Str. granulosum

3. Which of the foll. doesnt result in incomplete casting?
more porous investment in the mould
(other options were: insufficient metal, sprue attachement)

4. Epithelial lining of maxillary sinus?
pseudostr. ciliated columnar

5. pH at which initiation of caries begins?

6. megaloblastic anaemia results from
Improper  maturation of red cells

7. Which of the foll occurs due to increase in focal spot?
Decrease sharpness

8. Treatment of Ca. of lower jawinvolving the lower border is
Radiation & Surgery

9. Which of the incisions is not given in periodontal flap surgeries?
External Bevel

10. Which of the following does not include a pedicle graft?
subepithelial graft

11. Direct gold restorations are contraindicated in
Class II

12.Bonding of badly broken down amalgam filling is done with

13. Carrier based obturation method is
Themafil,Densfil,soft core, (all are correct)

14.Which of the following is not indicated in direct pulp capping?
Zinc polycaboxylate

15. The length of filling to be left at apex for post preparation
5 mm